Friday, January 01, 1999

Cast of Characters: RobotBoy

Currently known as the latest guy to break my heart. They always say that you know when you meet him. And I knew. To this day, I know that he is a “one”, of course not the “one” for me, but still. He had no feelings for me, and to make matters worse, he said I wasn’t good enough for him. I had accepted him 100%, flaws and all. How exactly is someone like that not good enough for another person? It floors me each and every time I think about it. I would cry my eyes out if I wasn’t laughing so hard at the irony of it all. I call him Robotboy because he seemed to keep all of his feelings closed up inside real tight to the point that I couldn’t tell what he was feeling for the remaining weeks that we were dating when he grew distant. Today we’re friends but lately I can’t help but notice the nagging voice telling me to walk away if I’m going to hang on to my sanity.



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