Sunday, June 04, 2006

World, Please Meet Mr. Big:

(Sorry, He doesn't want his picture on the internet. Let me know if you still want to see what he looks like and I'll forward a photo on to you)

Here is the Man I have been gushing about to everyone for the last week. Here is the Man who has made my little heart flutter every time we meet up, every time he laughs, every time he looks my way and smiles. When I think of him, I can't help but catch my breath. He came out of no where and in one week all I can think of is "I cannot imagine not knowing him. I cannot imagine what life was like before I knew him." He makes me so incredibly happy. He makes me giddy and shiny and euphoric and positively stupid with happiness.

Before the last day and a half, I kept saying to myself that this wasn’t real, that he couldn’t possibly be real. No man could be that kind and serious and old-fashioned and responsible and smart and sexy and hysterically funny… I didn’t know that a man like that was out there just waiting. I am a pessimist by nature. I just assume bad things are going to always happen to me and life is always going to suck and that I don’t deserve the best of anything. I’m pretty sure this is a defense mechanism. If I assume the worst will happen and it prevents me from trying anything in life, I’ve taken steps to minimize the amount of hurt I will go through.

This new man I have been seeing, that henceforth shall be dubbed Mr. Big as he’s got so much going for him and he's a real catch for any woman (but thankfully without all the emotional unavailability of the original one), has come along and knocked me on my pessimistic ass. I feel like I’ve had the wind knocked out of me and I am so happy I could burst into a million pieces. I hope this continues and I hope my pessimism takes a back seat to all of the things he can show me and make me believe in- most notably myself

He let me take his picture today and I was honored to do so. Admittedly, I’d like to log a thousand more shots with him and get deep into his soul through his eyes. I can see down in there when I look at him and when I’m close to him. And I want to capture that feeling, that core essence of him on film for everyone to see just what I’m beginning to see.


Blogger rebecca marie said...

why did i think you had left the blog world or something?

man, this was awesome... i've read back this far, and i'll hit up your archives soon... when i can pay them proper attention.

i'm so happy for you!!!

and YES. i'd love to see this feller who is making your beautiful smile come back!!

7:55 AM, June 21, 2006  

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