Monday, October 23, 2006

Random Monday

1. I weigh 198.5. Yay for me! When I was 275 pounds, my BMI was 43.1. Today my BMI is 31.0 and I am 7 and ½ pounds away from being considered just overweight and no longer obese. I have been obese for as long as I can remember so this is a major thing for me. It’s phenomenal. I am proud of myself for changing my habits and overhauling my life. And shit, if I can do it, anyone can do it.

2. ALL of my assignments this term have been handed in on time. That too is a phenomenal task considering my mental state this past year. I feel so much better and I am beginning to feel the concentration returning. It’s not back 100% yet, but there is a big improvement.

3. I bought a cookie at lunch time. I’ve eaten less than half and I don’t really feel like having anymore. And this is my favorite cookie in the whole world- a chocolate chip oatmeal Monster cookie made by some Eugene company that sells it to the University for their food carts and sales.

4. I have a plan to get a certain guy to ask me out. And so far it’s working fabulously. I may be in big trouble if this information ever gets back to him, but hell, I think it’s funny. I emailed him on Saturday and we talked through our entire shift. I did the same thing today and so far he has responded very well to my chatty emails (and yes, I am working… it’s just not a completely crazy day around here). I have made a vow not to make any of the first moves on this one. I want to know that this person is interested in me. And if he is, he needs to find the courage to ask me out. I already know that I can do it (after much deliberation and stomach aches and bothering of all my friends for advice). I want to know that others can do it to. I want to be wanted, darn it.

5. My back hurts. It’s probably because I have slept on the couch non-stop for at least a month. I could use my soft and comfy bed but not only is it covered with clothes and packing items for the upcoming move, it’s also poorly insulated in the room and my alarm seems to travel really well down the side of the windows into the downstairs neighbor’s bedroom. I still need a bunch of alarms to wake up at least half of the time so I guess I can just tough it out for 6 more weeks.

6. And if this is true, it is so cool. I share Ani DiFranco's first and middle birth names with her. Awesome.


Blogger Tudeski said...

You're doing OUTSTANDING!!!

8:10 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger MikeyPDX said...

That's awesome!

11:22 AM, October 24, 2006  

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